Corporate Governance - Highlights
Corporate Governance at Pixelworks
We are committed to operating within the highest standards of integrity and honesty and in accordance with the law. We believe that strong corporate governance is important to ensure that Pixelworks is managed responsibly for the long-term benefit of our shareholders. Our Corporate Governance Guidelines clearly communicate the policies by which our Board of Directors will operate as it supports our ongoing development. To achieve this, Pixelworks’ Board of Directors maintains three operating committees: the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee, and the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee. Click here to see composition of Board committees.
We believe that our Board of Directors and committees provide the necessary leadership and experience that Pixelworks needs in making good business decisions and fulfilling the responsibilities to our shareholders. To this end, it is the policy of our Board of Directors that the majority of its members be independent.
We also have in place a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics that provides a framework for operating standards and ethics at Pixelworks that we expect of all our officers, directors, and employees.